In-Person Rites of Passage Guide Training and Women's Initiation May 17-26th, 2024, Pay what you Can!


Hello Women with Deep Passion and Sacred Visions for Life,

Thank you for hearing the call to walk in this world as an initiated adult and to offer Rites of Passage ceremonies for the young women in your life, your community and beyond.

Every young person deserves to be witnessed, honored, celebrated and oriented as they enter adulthood and receive the ability to create life and make life more beautiful with how they choose to live. We need places to push back the world and settle into our being-ness, to dwell in our soul’s truest essence, the know ourselves and our relations as Earth and to land in a loving community. We are the thresholders, the Village Aunties, the ritual loving folks, willing to risk the unknown to court a beautiful becoming. It’s natural to grow, it’s natural to be born, to become a woman, it’s natural to die and it’s natural to honor all the ages and stages along the way in a life-affirming way, that brings connection and belonging.

This is part earth skills gathering, part intimate, transformational women’s work, both a Rites of Passage for you and all parts- a training on how to lead Rites of Passage for Young Women. It will be deep, fun, probably edgy at points, connective and an invitation for your soul- to feast, to share, to continue becoming who you came here to offer.

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Hello Women with Deep Passion and Sacred Visions for Life,

Thank you for hearing the call to walk in this world as an initiated adult and to offer Rites of Passage ceremonies for the young women in your life, your community and beyond.

Every young person deserves to be witnessed, honored, celebrated and oriented as they enter adulthood and receive the ability to create life and make life more beautiful with how they choose to live. We need places to push back the world and settle into our being-ness, to dwell in our soul’s truest essence, the know ourselves and our relations as Earth and to land in a loving community. We are the thresholders, the Village Aunties, the ritual loving folks, willing to risk the unknown to court a beautiful becoming. It’s natural to grow, it’s natural to be born, to become a woman, it’s natural to die and it’s natural to honor all the ages and stages along the way in a life-affirming way, that brings connection and belonging.

This is part earth skills gathering, part intimate, transformational women’s work, both a Rites of Passage for you and all parts- a training on how to lead Rites of Passage for Young Women. It will be deep, fun, probably edgy at points, connective and an invitation for your soul- to feast, to share, to continue becoming who you came here to offer.